15 Important JavaScript Array Methods You Should Know

Use these methods to improve your JavaScript game 😎

Akash Shyam
Dev Genius


Photo by James Harrison on Unsplash

You will probably use arrays in every application you ever build. It has several methods, some of which are very confusing. I’ve made a list of 15 array methods you should master since they come in handy often.

An important thing about array methods is that some are mutable and some are immutable. It’s essential to keep this in mind when deciding which method to use for a particular problem.

Most of the array methods in this list take a similar callback as the argument. The first argument is the current item, the second argument is the index and the third is the entire array. Now we’ve got this out of the way, let’s get started with the list:

1. ForEach

Loops over each element in an array and executes a callback function.

2. Map

Loops over each element in an array and executes a callback function. Creates a new array with the return values of the callback function.

3. Filter

Loops over each element in an array and selects only those elements which are true to a condition. A new array is returned, based on the selected elements.

4. Find

Finds the first element in the array that fulfils a condition. If none are found, undefined will be returned.

5. FindIndex

Similar to the previous method, it returns the index of the first element that fulfils a given condition. If none are found, -1 is returned.

6. Reduce

This is an advanced method, that can be used to combine the elements of an array. The main difference is that the callback takes an accumulator as the first argument. The return value of the callback becomes the accumulator in the next iteration.

7. Every

This method takes a callback that returns a boolean value. Every() will return true if the condition is valid for ALL the elements in the array.

8. Some

Like the previous method, this one also takes a callback that returns a boolean. Some() will return true if the condition is valid for AT LEAST one element.

9. Sort

This is a method used to sort the elements in an array. It sorts the array in ascending order by default. It takes a callback function, with two elements — a and b. If a is less than b, then return -1, else return 1. If they are equal, return 0.

Keep in mind that unlike other array methods, sort mutates the array.

10. Flat

Flat is used to flatten nested array into a single array. You can specify a depth up to which the array will be flattened.

11. Reverse

Reverses the order of elements in an array.

12. Include

This method returns true if an element is present in an array.

13. Fill

The fill method sets the elements of the array to a given value. I like to use this method when I want to use the map/forEach method a specific number of times.

14. At

This method returns the element of a given index. The difference between this and the traditional way of accessing(i.e. arr[1]) an element is that it supports negative indices too.

15. Concat

This method is used to combine two arrays.

That’s the end of the post! If you liked it, leave a clap(or two) and follow me so as not to miss any more posts. Follow me on Twitter for daily content on Web development, freelancing and web3. Bye for now!



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