CLI Power Play: 10 Commands You Can’t Code Without

Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2023


10 Essential Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands Every Developer Should Master


The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a developer’s Swiss army knife, empowering users to navigate, manage, and manipulate their systems efficiently. Mastering a few essential commands can significantly boost productivity and streamline workflow. Let’s dive into 10 fundamental CLI commands every developer should know.

Why are CLI commands crucial for developers?

The CLI offers unparalleled power and flexibility, allowing developers to perform intricate tasks swiftly without relying on graphical interfaces. Understanding these commands empowers developers to navigate file systems, manage processes, manipulate data, and automate tasks effectively.

1. ls - List Directory Contents

The ls command displays the contents of a directory. Here's a breakdown:

$ ls
Documents Downloads Pictures Videos

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Displays specific directory content.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Lists all files and folders in a directory.

2. cd - Change Directory

Use cd to navigate between directories:

$ cd Documents

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Moves to a specified directory.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Allows movement within the file system.

3. mkdir - Make Directory

Create new directories using mkdir:

$ mkdir NewFolder

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Creates a new directory.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Enables directory creation within the file system.

4. rm - Remove Files or Directories

The rm the command deletes files or directories:

$ rm file.txt

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Deletes specified files or directories.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Manages file system deletions.

5. cp - Copy Files and Directories

Use cp to duplicate files or directories:

$ cp file.txt newfile.txt

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Copies specified files or directories.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Facilitates file system duplication.

6. mv - Move or Rename Files and Directories

The mv command moves files or directories:

$ mv file.txt Documents/

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Moves files or directories to a specified location.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Manages file system relocation or renaming.

7. grep - Search Text

grep searches for specific patterns within files:

$ grep "keyword" file.txt

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Searches for a particular pattern within files.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Facilitates text-based searching.

8. chmod - Change File Permissions

chmod modifies file permissions:

$ chmod 777 file.txt

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Adjusts file permissions.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Manages file access control.

9. top - Display System Processes

top shows system processes:

$ top

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Displays active system processes.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Provides insights into system resource usage.

10. curl - Transfer Data with URLs

Use curl to transfer data from or to a server:

$ curl -O

MECE Breakdown:

  • Mutually Exclusive: Transfers data through URLs.
  • Collectively Exhaustive: Facilitates data exchange with servers.


Mastering these fundamental CLI commands empowers developers to navigate, manage, and manipulate their systems efficiently. Incorporating these commands into your workflow enhances productivity and enables automation, making the CLI an indispensable tool for developers.


Q: Can I undo the rm command's actions?

A: Unfortunately, the rm command permanently deletes files or directories. Exercise caution while using it to prevent unintended data loss.

Q: How can I recursively remove a directory and its contents?

A: Utilize rm -r directory_name to delete a directory and its contents recursively.

Q: What does the chmod command's numeric argument signify?

A: The numeric argument in chmod represents file permission settings for user, group, and others (in the order of read, write, and execute).


CLI commands streamline tasks and enhance productivity. Mastering these commands can save a substantial amount of time. For instance, executing a sequence of tasks using CLI commands might take 10 minutes compared to 30 minutes using a graphical interface, resulting in a time-saving of 20 minutes per task.

Time Saved Per Task:

Using CLI: 20 minutes Using Graphical Interface: 30 minutes

Total Tasks Completed in a Week:

CLI: 15 tasks Graphical Interface: 5 tasks

Weekly Time Saved using CLI:

CLI: 300 minutes (20 minutes * 15 tasks) Graphical Interface: 150 minutes (30 minutes * 5 tasks) Time Saved Weekly: 150 minutes (300–150)

In conclusion, mastering CLI commands not only enhances efficiency but also saves significant time in a developer’s workflow.

This article covers essential CLI commands, offering a robust foundation for developers to navigate and optimize their workflow. Incorporate these commands into your routine, and witness a significant boost in productivity and efficiency.



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