Graphs In Golang

Implementation of graph data structure

Dev Genius



Graph: A graph, unlike arrays, is a non-linear data structure composed of vertices and edges.

Directed Graphs: A graph where association between two nodes are mentioned is such a way that A -> B only mentions there is an edge between Point-A and Point-B where A can reach B but B cannot reach A. Such graphs are called directed graphs.

Undirected Graphs: A graph where association between two nodes are mentioned is such a way that A -> B mentions there is an edge between Point-A and Point-B where A can reach B & B can reach A as well. Such graphs are called undirected graphs.


  1. AddEdge: This method is responsible to add a directed edge from Point-A to Point-B.
  2. AddVertex: This method is responsible to add a vertex/ node to a graph.

Below we have an implementaton of a directed graph:

package datastructures

import "fmt"

// Graph structure
type Graph struct {
vertices []*Vertex

// Adjacent Vertex
type Vertex struct {
key int
adjacent []*Vertex

// AddVertext will add a vertex to a graph
func (g *Graph) AddVertex(vertex int) error {
if contains(g.vertices, vertex) {
err := fmt.Errorf("Vertex %d already exists", vertex)
return err
} else {
v := &Vertex{
key: vertex,
g.vertices = append(g.vertices, v)
return nil

// AddEdge will add ad endge from a vertex to a vertex
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(to, from int) error {
toVertex := g.getVertex(to)
fromVertex := g.getVertex(from)
if toVertex == nil || fromVertex == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Not a valid edge from %d ---> %d", from, to)
} else if contains(fromVertex.adjacent, toVertex.key) {
return fmt.Errorf("Edge from vertex %d ---> %d already exists", fromVertex.key, toVertex.key)
} else {
fromVertex.adjacent = append(fromVertex.adjacent, toVertex)
return nil

// getVertex will return a vertex point if exists or return nil
func (g *Graph) getVertex(vertex int) *Vertex {
for i, v := range g.vertices {
if v.key == vertex {
return g.vertices[i]
return nil

func contains(v []*Vertex, key int) bool {
for _, v := range v {
if v.key == key {
return true
return false

func (g *Graph) Print() {
for _, v := range g.vertices {
fmt.Printf("%d : ", v.key)
for _, v := range v.adjacent {
fmt.Printf("%d ", v.key)

func PrintEgDirectedGraph() {
g := &Graph{}
g.AddEdge(1, 2)
g.AddEdge(2, 3)
g.AddEdge(1, 3)
g.AddEdge(3, 1)

// Call In Main:: datastructures.PrintEgDirectedGraph()
// Output:
// 1 : 3
// 2 : 1
// 3 : 2 1

I hope this article helps to understand the graph in golang. Please comment below in case of any errors or further suggestions. Thanks!

