How to Build a Podcast RSS Feed Generator with ASP.NET Core

Comprehensive Guide to Create a RSS feed generator using ASP.NET

Dev Genius


How to Build a Podcast RSS Feed Generator with ASP.NET Core —  Comprehensive Guide to Create a RSS feed generator using ASP.NET
RSS Feed

Significance of Podcasting and RSS Feeds

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium for sharing audio content, ranging from entertainment and education to news and storytelling. With the rising number of podcasts, organizing and distributing episodes efficiently has become crucial.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds plays an important role in enabling users to subscribe, access, and consume podcast content seamlessly across various platforms and devices.

This article serves as a comprehensive guide to creating a robust RSS feed generator specifically tailored for podcasts, leveraging the capabilities of ASP.NET Core. It aims to equip developers with the knowledge and tools required to build a scalable and customizable RSS feed that effectively showcases podcast episodes.

Understanding RSS Feeds for Podcasts

Definition and Importance of RSS Feeds

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds are XML-based files used to distribute frequently updated content. In the context of podcasts, RSS feeds serve as a standardized format for publishing episodes, metadata, and subscription information. They’re used for enabling users to subscribe to podcasts, automatically receive new episode updates, and access content across various platforms and podcast apps.

Structure of a Typical Podcast RSS Feed

A typical podcast RSS feed adheres to a predefined structure that comprises specific elements to convey episode information effectively. This structure includes:

  1. <channel>: The root element containing the podcast metadata and individual episode details.
  2. Metadata Elements: These include <title>, <description>, <link>, <language>, <image>, and <author>. They provide general information about the podcast series.
  3. <item>: Within the <channel> element, each podcast episode is represented by the <item> element, encapsulating episode-specific details.
  4. Episode Metadata: Elements such as <title>, <description>, <pubDate>, <enclosure>, <duration>, and <guid> present information about each episode, including its title, description, release date, media file URL, duration, and a globally unique identifier.

Required Elements and Metadata for a Podcast RSS Feed

For a podcast RSS feed to be well-structured and compatible with podcast directories and players, specific elements and metadata are essential:

  1. Title and Description: Concise yet descriptive information about the podcast series and individual episodes.
  2. Media Enclosure: Includes the URL to the audio file, file type, and length (duration) of the episode.
  3. Publication Date (pubDate): Indicates the date and time when the episode was published or released.
  4. Unique Identifier (guid): A unique identifier for each episode, ensuring proper tracking and differentiation between episodes.

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Setting Up ASP.NET Core Project

Understanding ASP.NET Core and its Relevance

ASP.NET Core is a versatile and powerful framework for building web applications and services. It’s known for its cross-platform capabilities, high performance, and modularity, making it an excellent choice for developing various types of applications, including our podcast RSS feed generator.

Creating a New ASP.NET Core Project

To get started with ASP.NET Core, follow these steps to create a new project:

  1. Install .NET SDK: If you haven’t already, download and install the .NET SDK from the official .NET website.
  2. Open a Terminal/Command Prompt:
dotnet new console -n PodcastRSSGenerator

3. This command creates a new console application namedPodcastRSSGenerator.

4. Navigate to the Project Directory:

cd PodcastRSSGenerator

5. Create an ASP.NET Core Web Application:

dotnet new web

6. This command adds the necessary files for an ASP.NET Core web application.

Setting Up Dependencies for RSS Feed Generation

Now that we have an ASP.NET Core project set up, let’s configure the dependencies for generating our podcast RSS feed.

  1. Add Required Packages: Open the PodcastRSSGenerator.csproj file in a text editor and add the necessary package references:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson" Version="X.X.X" />
<!-- Add any other required packages -->
</ItemGroup>Ensure you specify the version you need for the packages.

2. Implementing RSS Feed Generation Logic: Begin by defining models for podcast episodes and constructing the logic for generating the RSS feed. This process involves creating classes to represent episodes and building methods to format the data into XML following RSS feed standards.

Step 1: Define Models for Podcast Episodes

Create a model to represent a podcast episode. This model should include properties representing various attributes of an episode, such as title, description, publication date, audio file URL, duration, and a globally unique identifier.

public class PodcastEpisode
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime PubDate { get; set; }
public string AudioUrl { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }
public string Guid { get; set; }
// Other properties as needed

Designing the PodcastEpisode Model

In the code provided above, the PodcastEpisode model represents an individual episode of the podcast. We'll enhance this model to include additional attributes that align with the elements required in an RSS feed for podcasts.

public class PodcastEpisode
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime PubDate { get; set; }
public string AudioUrl { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Duration { get; set; }
public string Guid { get; set; }
// Additional attributes for demonstration purposes
public string Author { get; set; }
public string EpisodeImageUrl { get; set; }

Explanation of Episode Model Attributes:

  • Title: Represents the title of the podcast episode.
  • Description: Contains a brief description or summary of the episode content.
  • PubDate: Indicates the publication date/time of the episode.
  • AudioUrl: Specifies the URL to the audio file of the episode.
  • Duration: Represents the duration of the episode.
  • Guid: Serves as a unique identifier for the episode.
  • Author: Represents the author or creator of the episode (optional).
  • EpisodeImageUrl: URL to an image associated with the episode (optional).

Mapping Podcast Metadata to RSS Feed Elements

The PodcastController generates the RSS feed by mapping the attributes of the PodcastEpisode model to the corresponding elements within the RSS feed (such as <title>, <description>, <pubDate>, <enclosure>, etc.).

For instance, in the AddEpisodeDetails method of the PodcastController, you would map these attributes to the respective XML elements:

private void AddEpisodeDetails(XmlElement itemNode, PodcastEpisode episode)
itemNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "title", episode.Title));
itemNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "description", episode.Description));
itemNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "pubDate", episode.PubDate.ToString("r"))); // Format pubDate as RFC822
// Add the audio URL as an enclosure element
var enclosureNode = rssDoc.CreateElement("enclosure");
enclosureNode.SetAttribute("url", episode.AudioUrl);
enclosureNode.SetAttribute("type", "audio/mpeg"); // Adjust type based on actual media type
// Add other episode details similarly

Explanation of Mapping:

  • The AddEpisodeDetails method takes an XmlElement (itemNode) and a PodcastEpisode (episode) as parameters.
  • It uses the CreateElementWithText helper method to create XML elements with the respective text content.
  • The episode attributes like title, description, pubDate, and audioUrl are mapped to their corresponding RSS feed elements within the <item> element.

This mapping process ensures that the metadata of each podcast episode is properly represented within the generated RSS feed.

This enhanced PodcastEpisode model and the mapping process illustrate how the attributes of the model are utilized to populate the necessary elements in the RSS feed, making the content more structured and compliant with RSS standards. Adjustments can be made based on the specific requirements and additional metadata needed for your podcast.

Step 2: Implement RSS Feed Generation Logic

Create a controller in your ASP.NET Core application responsible for generating the podcast RSS feed. In this controller, define an action method that constructs the RSS feed based on the podcast episodes.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;

namespace YourNamespace.Controllers
public class PodcastController : ControllerBase
// Assume episodes are stored in a collection (List, database, etc.) for demonstration purposes.
private readonly List<PodcastEpisode> episodes = new List<PodcastEpisode>();

// Action method to generate the podcast RSS feed
public IActionResult GenerateRSSFeed()
// Create XML document for RSS feed
var rssDoc = new XmlDocument();

// Create XML declaration
var xmlDeclaration = rssDoc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null);

// Create root <rss> element
var rssNode = rssDoc.CreateElement("rss");
rssNode.SetAttribute("version", "2.0");

// Create <channel> element
var channelNode = rssDoc.CreateElement("channel");

// Add podcast metadata to <channel> (title, description, etc.)

// Add individual <item> elements for each episode
foreach (var episode in episodes)
var itemNode = rssDoc.CreateElement("item");
AddEpisodeDetails(itemNode, episode);

// Return the generated RSS feed
return Content(rssDoc.OuterXml, "text/xml");

// Helper method to add podcast metadata to <channel>
private void AddPodcastMetadata(XmlElement channelNode)
// Add podcast metadata (title, description, link, etc.) to the channelNode
// Example:
channelNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "title", "Your Podcast Title"));
channelNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "description", "Description of your podcast"));
// Add other metadata elements as needed

// Helper method to add details of each episode to <item>
private void AddEpisodeDetails(XmlElement itemNode, PodcastEpisode episode)
// Add episode details (title, description, pubDate, audioUrl, duration, guid, etc.) to the itemNode
// Example:
itemNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "title", episode.Title));
itemNode.AppendChild(CreateElementWithText(rssDoc, "description", episode.Description));
// Add other episode details

// Helper method to create an XML element with text content
private XmlElement CreateElementWithText(XmlDocument doc, string elementName, string textContent)
var element = doc.CreateElement(elementName);
element.InnerText = textContent;
return element;


  • PodcastController: This controller defines an action method GenerateRSSFeed accessible via the route api/podcast/rss. It constructs an XML document representing the RSS feed for the podcast.
  • AddPodcastMetadata: Method to add metadata (title, description, etc.) of the podcast to the <channel> element.
  • AddEpisodeDetails: Method to add details of each episode (title, description, etc.) to individual <item> elements within the <channel>.
  • CreateElementWithText: Helper method to create XML elements with text content.

This code outlines a basic implementation of RSS feed generation for a podcast using ASP.NET Core. You would typically retrieve episode data from a database or another source instead of the hardcoded episodes list shown here.

In this article, we’ve explored the creation of a Podcast RSS Feed Generator using ASP.NET Core. We began by understanding the significance of RSS feeds in the context of podcasts and delved into the structure and required elements of a typical podcast RSS feed. Moving forward, we set up an ASP.NET Core project and designed models to represent podcast episodes.

We then implemented the RSS feed generation logic within the PodcastController, ensuring the appropriate XML formatting and inclusion of episode details.

We’ve acquired the fundamental understanding and practical skills required to develop a functional Podcast RSS Feed Generator using ASP.NET Core.

References and Resources

Here are some references and resources used in creating the Podcast RSS Feed Generator:

These resources provide comprehensive information and guidance for further exploration and deepening your understanding of ASP.NET Core development, RSS feed specifications, and deployment strategies.

