Making DevSecOps Easier with Automation

Gerald Whitley
Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2022


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

The adoption of the DevOps methodology is gaining traction throughout the firm. DevOps is an acronym for “Development Operations,” which refers to a collection of best practices that optimize the software development process. Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) are all supported better because of this.

In the past, the primary focus of software development was on the development of features, while other teams were responsible for determining how to test and maintain those features. Within the context of DevOps, a cross-functional product team is expected to manage features from conception through production with input from both developers and IT Ops.

This results in less downtime, faster releases, and fewer problems due to the elimination of knowledge silos between software development teams and IT Operations teams.

2 Ways to Make DevOps Easier with Automation


Automation is a fundamental requirement for each company, including those that follow DevOps practices. The basic process of automating something begins with the developer developing the code on their machine and continues long after the code is pushed into production.

After the code has been pushed, the automation will involve many devsecops tools used for monitoring in addition to building, deployment, secret scanning, and verification of any security vulnerabilities in the code. Let’s discuss a couple of automation categories.

Automating Infrastructure Security

Infrastructure automation involves various elements, such as asset deployment monitoring and security. AWS has many tools that you may utilize for the right automation, such CloudWatch, an AWS monitoring tower that conducts behavioral analysis on the assets and looks for any irregularities, as well as items that need to comply with regulations.

As a result, there is no need to conduct any testing or verification because the tool will display the issues on a single dashboard where you can manage or patch them. It even analyzes the system for known vulnerabilities.

However, automation allows for the completion of a significant number of additional tasks, some of which include determining whether or not any assets are acting abnormally, using a great deal of RAM or resources, or a substantial number of other tasks.

Automating Monitoring and Log Management

An organization’s infrastructure relies heavily on logs and monitoring to function correctly. In addition to assisting in resolving any performance issues, routine monitoring can also assist in identifying any intrusions that may have occurred within the network. Monitoring should never be done by hand. As a result, we require a solution that can monitor and store logs in a centralized location.

Monitoring can be carried out via any number of tools, including those already provided by AWS and third-party solutions such as solar winds. When we talk about log monitoring, we are referring to effortlessly automating it with Sumologic, which archives the logs and gives a more efficient way to retrieve them. When the DevOps team uses Sumologic, it will be much simpler for them to determine the underlying source of any problems, and they will also be able to detect any intrusion.

As a result, automating not just log management but also monitoring plays an essential role and can simplify life as they can access every log from a centralized system.


Development operations are now an indispensable component of every organization. In the realm of development and operations, many tasks are easily automatable and have the potential to play an important part. For instance, creating the code, running unit tests on it, and maintaining and collecting logs in a centralized area for management and collection. In addition, Jenkins and solar winds can automate many tasks, such as deployment, and there are many other things you can automate. As a result, they cannot only speed up the process of developers debugging problems, but they can also protect the company from any unwelcome attacks or circumstances.

