MEAN Stack Development | Why Should Businesses Pick MEAN For Their Business?

Emma Jhonson
Dev Genius
Published in
9 min readMar 8, 2022


When building an application, the choice of which technology stack to use can have serious implications on the overall performance, efficiency, and stability of your application. One of the most popular stack options out there today is the MEAN stack.

This acronym stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS — all open source frameworks that provide powerful tools to develop complex applications more quickly and efficiently than ever before!

What Is MEAN Stack?

The full acronym, MEAN, stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. These are four of today’s most popular open-source web application frameworks — in particular; they are used together to create web applications.

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Why? It’s incredibly easier than it sounds! Imagine that we have an idea for a website that we would like to turn into a reality.

If we use only one language/framework, our application will be limited in terms of features that it can handle. But by using several independent tools (MEAN stack), we get far more flexibility in developing our app than if we had relied on just one language/framework.

So why is a combination of languages better than relying on only one tool?

That’s because each tool has its own specialty: JavaScript handles logic with ease, while MongoDB handles data. Then we add two more pieces: Laravel (for PHP) and Redis (for NoSQL database). Together, they give us virtually infinite options with which to develop new kinds of apps!

In other words, getting acquainted with some or all of these technologies is essential for anyone who wants to learn how modern web applications are built and maintained. Moreover, it is also important to hire MEAN stack developers for your project.

By adding various components from different software libraries, you can increase your skills as an active developer, as well as your value when seeking employment opportunities in a competitive industry!


MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system. It’s an open-source document-oriented database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents, meaning it can be queried and indexed in different ways than a traditional relational database.

MongoDB doesn’t support joins or other relational operations; it’s ideal for applications that need to store data that varies from document to document.

A simple example of such a problem would be storing movies: each movie has its own plot synopsis, genre, date released, and so on — rather than trying to model these as attributes of one film (as you might with a relational database).

They are separate documents. Database designers often find that normalization — dividing large data sets into tables with individual fields — makes their systems slower because it means searching over more data. As a result, many real-world problems are best solved using unstructured databases.

The flexibility offered by NoSQL databases means that many projects aren’t purely relational or purely NoSQL but use both technologies where appropriate. If you hire a MEAN stack developer, he/she always suggests that MongoDB is very critical to maintaining seamless data rendering.


ExpressJS is a Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications, enabling rapid development with less code.

Key features include strong request routing capabilities, easy templating support via Handlebars templates, and simple but powerful middleware functionality.

Express originated from Express Web Framework (EWF), which was extracted from Connect in 2010 as a standalone module following an internal project at LinkedIn to create enterprise-grade Node.js applications using Connect under an open-source license.

The first public release was on April 11, 2011. It comes bundled with Mustache, Chunkify, EJS, and — now outdated — Jade compilation engines by default. Its full documentation can be found online. Thus, MEAN stack development services are greatly sought-after.

Actually, Express has become more popular than Connect because it is small enough to fit within a single file if desired while still providing many key components of its larger predecessor framework, including router and body-parser middleware systems.


AngularJS is a modern web application framework. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.

AngularJS is a complete package that includes everything required to build well-structured, dynamic web applications in today’s demanding single-page applications. When you hire a developer to create a front-end experience, you must ensure that he/she has expertise in Angular.

Angular has several powerful features such as two-way data binding, modular architecture, dependency injection, and animations.

This means you can create a highly responsive user interface that interacts smoothly with back-end services by writing less code and managing fewer dependencies than ever before.

These applications are easy to unit test (as each component is isolated from its neighbors), easier to maintain, and much more fun to develop on top of! We do not need extra packages or frameworks for working with our database. Of course, we have different packages for different types of databases, e.g.,

MongoDB package for MongoDB or MySQL package for MySQL database etc. But what if we want to support all types of databases without any packages?

Well! Here comes NodeJS into the picture; it gives an opportunity to write only one code that will work on all types of databases without using any kind of extra packages. Simply amazing, isn’t it? So, what are you waiting for? Hire MEAN stack developers India now to secure the best solutions.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js leverages an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model. It makes node.js lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Node.js’ package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in history. Thousands of developers utilize its resources to build software of all kinds using simple JavaScript packages instead of complex frameworks or APIs.

In addition to developing server-side web apps, Node.js powers big data projects like stream processing platforms like Kafka & Storm as well as Dapps and protocols like Ethereum.

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These points are given below MEAN.JS is one of the most popular frameworks developed to create web and mobile applications with MongoDB as a database server.

Express as a web framework, Angular as an MV* framework for client-side development, and Node.js as a runtime environment.

By using each module, we can save time, and also, it allows us to write modular code, which makes our project more scalable or maintainable in the future. In short, it means we have found the right set of tools to use for our business application needs.

The advantages Of Using The MEAN Stack Are As Follows:

Less Coding & High Productivity: The advantage of using a mean stack is its highly productive coding features. It not only generates boilerplate codes but also helps to easily organize codes along with making them reusable within projects.

The commonly used functionalities such as authentication and authorization are available out-of-the-box without any effort on our part so that developers can concentrate more on their core functionality rather than writing boilerplate codes.

Perfect For Multi-Tiered Web Application Development: It can also be utilized to develop multi-tiered complex web application solutions by taking proper care of all its layers like the front end (Angular), middle tier (Node.Js), and DB layer (MongoDB).

Faster And Easy To Maintain CodeBase: The Framework provides freedom for developers to express their creativity through creating dynamic yet highly organized applications by bringing many benefits to a single place.

All necessary libraries are bundled together with a Mean stack. Therefore, there is no need to spend unnecessary time searching libraries online.

Developers can focus more on the specific task rather than spending unnecessary energy on the configuration process while developing apps.

It can be Improved Efficiently Due to Flexibility: Mean stack works fast due to the efficient networking feature it uses for data transfer between different modules like Angular(Client-side) and Node.js(Server Side).

This technique is known as 2 Way Data Binding, where changes made on either side automatically update data on another side without making any network request again.

Why Pick MEAN For Your Business App Development?

#01: MEAN Stack is scalable

One of the biggest benefits of MEAN Stack is that it’s highly scalable. With MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.JS all working together, you can create apps that can handle large amounts of traffic with ease.

This makes MEAN Stack a great choice for businesses that want to build apps with growth in mind.

#02: MEAN Stack is cost-effective

MEAN Stack is a very powerful platform, but it’s also one of the most affordable options out there. With MEAN Stack, you can create complex business apps without spending a fortune on development.

MEAN Stack also saves you money in the long run by reducing maintenance costs and increasing efficiency.

#03: MEAN Stack is open source

One of the biggest benefits of MEAN Stack for your business apps is that it’s an open-source platform. This means anyone can use MEAN Stack to create their own apps and software products.

MEAN Stack is also free to download and use, which makes it an excellent choice for businesses with limited budgets.

#04: MEAN Stack is easy to learn

If you’re new to MEAN Stack or want to learn more about the platform, there are plenty of resources available online. MEAN Stack is one of the most popular development platforms out there, so you can find plenty of information and tutorials on how to use it.

In addition, MEAN Stack’s simple modular structure makes it easy to learn and use.

#05: MEAN Stack is versatile

MEAN Stack is a very versatile platform, which makes it a great choice for businesses of all sizes. MEAN Stack can be used to create both web and mobile applications, making it a good option for businesses that want to reach a wider audience.

MEAN Stack is also perfect for developing enterprise-level applications. To leverage its true potential, you need to reach an expert MEAN stack development company with relevant industry experience.

#06: MEAN Stack is flexible

MEAN Stack allows you to create apps with a variety of features and functions, making it perfect for businesses that need specific features in their applications. MEAN Stack is also very flexible, allowing developers to customize the platform as needed.

MEAN Stack’s flexibility makes it easy for businesses to develop innovative products without having to worry about technical limitations.

Benefit #07: MEAN Stack is secure

MEAN Stack is a very secure platform, which makes it an excellent choice for businesses that want to protect their data and applications from hackers. MEAN Stack’s security features include encryption, authentication, and authorization systems that keep your information safe from outside threats.

MEAN Stack also has built-in security features that protect against viruses and malware. MEAN Stack’s security features make it an excellent option for businesses that need to keep their data secure.

#08: MEAN Stack is easy to use

MEAN Stack is a very user-friendly platform, which makes it perfect for businesses that want to develop applications without having to learn a lot about programming languages.

MEAN Stack is also easy to use, making it ideal for people who are new to programming or don’t have much experience with software development. MEAN Stack’s simplicity makes it an excellent choice for businesses that need simple solutions without needing complex features and functions.

#09: MEAN Stack is fast

MEAN Stack is a very fast platform, which makes it an excellent choice for businesses that want to build apps quickly and efficiently.

MEAN Stack’s speed allows you to develop applications in record time, making MEAN Stack the perfect option for businesses that need quick solutions without sacrificing quality.

MEAN Stack’s speed also makes it a good choice for businesses that need to keep up with changing trends and developments in the market.

Wrapping Up

The MEAN stack offers a number of advantages for businesses looking to develop web applications. Thus, every MEAN stack development service company gets huge demand every year.

NodeJS’s scalability and speed, MongoDB’s flexibility, ExpressJS’s ease of use, AngularJS’s powerful features, and the wealth of modules available for Node make the MEAN stack an attractive option for business app development.

If you are considering developing a business application, the MEAN stack should be at the top of your list. Reach out to a top MEAN app development company to learn more about how we can help you build your next great business app with the power of the MEAN stack.



I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at