PySpark — Worst use of Window Functions

Subham Khandelwal
Dev Genius
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2023


It is very important to understand the core of data distribution for Apache Spark. Very often we don’t realize the importance and make mistakes without even knowing. One of such mistake is to use row_number() for generating Surrogate Keys for Dimensions.

Representation Image

Surrogate Keys are basically synthetic/artificial keys that are generated for Slowly Changing dimensions. There is no need for this key to be sequential but it should be unique for each record in a Dimension table.

Want to understand more on Surrogate Key, checkout this link —


Since we all evolved from DBMS systems continuously using sequence generators for Surrogate Keys, we tend to do the same with Big data as well. And to make things easier and simpler we start using row_number() window function.


So to understand the bad effect, lets read a dummy sales dataset for which we will be adding a key. The order for the data doesn’t matter, we just need to add a key _id which should be unique.

# Read example data set
from pyspark.sql.functions import sum, expr, monotonically_increasing_id

df ="csv").option("header", True).load("dataset/sales.csv")

print("Initial Partition after read: " + str(df.rdd.getNumPartitions()))
Dummy data for demonstration

So without giving a second thought, lets use everyone’s favourite row_number() window function to add the key. We would be writing the data with noop for performance benchmarking.

# Use row_number() to generate ids
df_with_row_num = df.withColumn("_id", expr("row_number() over (order by null)"))

# Write the dataset in noop for performance benchmarking

Now, in background, it created two jobs and took 10 seconds to execute

Time 1

Now, if we expand the job number 2

Expanded JOB 2

Did you notice something ? All data from 8 partitions are pulled into a single partition after Shuffle for sorting and sequencing. And by now we all know — un-necessary Shuffles are BAD.

Number of Partitions

Consider you are working on a Production System and all data for a huge SCD2 Dimension in pulled into a single partition — we will run into all sort of problems such as spillage, out of memory, GC issues, application lag etc.

So, what is the solution then ?


No one said the surrogate key to be sequential, the only requirement for it is to be unique. We can use distributed functions monotonically_increasing_id(), uuid() etc to create this key, they will ensure the unique feature but will not be sequential.

Lets use monotonically_increasing_id() to see the results

# Use Spark in-built monotonically_increasing_id to generate ids
df_with_incr_id = df.withColumn("_id", monotonically_increasing_id())

# Write the dataset in noop for performance benchmarking

The job finished within 2 sec with only 1 job

Time 2

Lets expand the JOB 3

Expanded JOB 3

Wow, there is no shuffle and the data was process parallelly in all 8 partitions. So, if we check the partitions info.

Number of Partitions

Conclusion : We should always understand the use of functions and their background impacts. Not everything advertises it, but always “USE WITH CAUTION”

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