Python or Java — Which Ahead in Career?

Harshal Suryawanshi 💎
Dev Genius
Published in
4 min readFeb 14, 2022


According to the reports of Google Trends, Python has shown increasingly positive results rather than Java.

I mean, since 2017 Python has started gaining popularity more than java. For Reference, I’ll add a Image below.

In the Market, there are two leading factors i.e. Experimentation and Production. This Trend of Popularity is likely occurred because of Python’s huge use for experimentation and Java’s better use for Production. The reason is that there’s more experimentation than production.

As we all know, Python is a dynamically typed and Interpreted language and on the other hand, Java is a statically typed and compiled language and as java is a statically typed and compiled formed language, this reason makes a big statement behind why java is faster at runtime and easier to debug. But, Python is easier to use, understand and read.

I’ll tell you the reason behind Why Python has gained more popularity than java in past years and this graph may positively increase.

Python has large popularity due to its easier way of communication from a user/developer to machine code. This makes people to grasp it easier. Python has immense libraries available, so as a new programmer or a freshie you will not have to start from scratch. Comparatively, Java is old and still used widely, it also has a lot of libraries.

Now, I’ll introduce you with the basic syntax of both the Programming Languages, then you can understand the level of grasping.

Basic Syntax for Printing in Python Programming.


Basic Syntax for Printing in Java Programming.

public class Print5 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("3+2=" + (Integer.toString(3+2)));

Remember: In my Opinion, One Should opt for the Language in which there are comfortable. Either it’s Python or Java. Yes, I Agree both have huge differences but both languages have their own pros and cons.

Let’s compare the parameters of both the programming languages and let's see what actually you want. Here I’ll explain different types of parameters of Python vs Java.

  1. CODE — Python needs to write fewer lines of code and Java has long lines of code.
  2. Syntax — As Written Above in Syntax for both the programming languages, Python’s Syntax is much easy to remember and Java’s Syntax is much more complex as it will definitely let you make errors if you miss a single curly brace or semicolon.
  3. Framework — Comparatively, Python has a lower number of frameworks like for eg. Django and Flask as compared to java. Java has a large number of frameworks. For Eg. Hibernate and Spring.
  4. Speed — In terms of speed, Python is slower since it uses an interpreter and also configures data type at run time. Java is faster as compared to Python as it’s a compiled language.
  5. Key Features — In Python, Less lines of code and there’s rapid development and dynamic typing. In Java, there’s Self-Memory Management, Robust and Platform Independent.
  6. Databases — Python’s database are weaker in compare to others. In Java, that’s why python is less used or rarely used in enterprises. In Java, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is most popular and widely used to connect with database and also highly used in enterprises.
  7. Libraries for ML — In Python, there are TensorFlow and Pytorch. In Java, there are Weka, Mallet, Deeplearning4j, MOA.
  8. Agility (Practical) — In Python, there’s always been an agile space and has grown in popularity for huge reasons, including the rise of DevOps movement. In Java, it more defines consistent refactoring support as it’s a static typed system which makes automated refactoring more reliable and also widespread of IDEs in Java Development.

We can conclude or define that both Java and Python languages have their own benefits, advantages and disadvantages. It is up to you to opt for a particular language for your career.

Python’s future is very glaring from where we see and presume that its future is assertive.

Where Python is simple and readable, Java is quick and more portable. While Python codes are dynamically-coded, Java is statically-coded.

Python is far from perfect but if we say that python is a future and emerging language then we have to agree that Java is present, it’s APIs are widely used.

