Rolling updates & rollbacks in Deployments (Kubernetes)

Hitesh Pattanayak
Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2022



The important aspects of deployments are: Upgrade, Rollout, Rollback.

Upgrade: The ability to deploy latest major version and shut older version(s).

Rollout: The ability to deploy lates minor version (bugfix, hotfix, minor feature, enhancement) without downtime.

Rollback: The ability to restore back the older working version in case something goes wrong.

Here is what happens in the world of K8s:

  1. When we first create a deployment, it creates a rollout.
  2. A new rollout creates a new revision.
  3. In the future, when a new deployment (of same name) is triggered, a new rollout is created with increased version.
  4. This helps us keeps track of changes made and enables us to rollback to previous version deployment.
  5. To check status of rollout: `kubectl rollout status deployment <deployment-name>`
  6. To check the history, revision and change-cause of rollout: `kubectl rollout history deployment <deployment name>`

Deployment strategy #1 -> Recreate:

  1. Suppose there are 5 instances of your app running
  2. When deploying a new version, we can destroy the 5 instances of older version and then deploy 5 instances of newer version.
  3. The issue is there will be a downtime.
  4. This is majorly done during major changes, breaking changes or when backward compatibility is not possible.
  5. This is not the default strategy in K8s.

Deployment strategy #2 -> Rolling update:

  1. In this strategy, we do not drop all the already running instances.
  2. We drop instances by a certain percentage at a time and simultaneously spawn equal percentage of newer version pods.
  3. This upgrade is the default strategy in K8s.
  4. This has no downtime.

Lets understand with an example:

  1. Suppose there is an already existing deployment running 3 replicas of a pod with image nginx:1.7.0.
  2. Now you wish to change the version of the image.
  3. This can be done by changing the version of the image in deployment file and running the command: `kubectl apply -f <deployment file path>`
  4. The above can also be done by: `kubectl set image deployment myapp-deployment nginx=nginx.1.7.1`.
  5. Remember, if we do step #4, then there will be inconsistency in the actual file and the deployment definition in the cluster
  6. Run command: `kubectl describe deployment <deployment name>` to see the details of deployment, and notice the difference in both strategies.

How upgrades work under the hood:

  1. When a deployment is applied, it creates a replica-set and spins up pods with number of instances as mentioned in the deployment configuration.
  2. Then, when the deployment is re-applied with changes, it creates a new replica-set and spins up pods with number of instances as mentioned in the deployment configuration and drops pod simultaneously from older replica-set.
  3. But the thing to note is, the older replica-set still exists, which will be used for rollback if required.
  4. To rollback a deployment: `kubeclt rollout undo deployment <deployment name>` — this will also run in the similar sequence as it happened while upgrade.
  5. After rollback the new replicaset still persists.
  6. Remember in order to see change cause of historical revisions, we need to add — record flag while editing/applying deployments (needs to be set once per deployment)
  7. When we do a rollback, the revision to which the rollback happens is removed from history and a new entry is made in the history instead.
  8. If any error occurs during upgrade, kubernetes will proactively stop the upgrade and stop dropping previously running instances



Senior Product Engineer @ Infracloud Technologies | 7 years of experience | Polyglot | Backend Developer | Kubernetes and AWS practitioner | Finance Enthusiast