The eight best strategies for email list building

Natalie Denton
Dev Genius
Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2021


Photo by Campaign Creators on Unsplash

The process of gathering email addresses from website visitors or users is referred to as email list building. This is done to expand the subscriber database and enable future commercial communications with potential or current clients.

What is an emailing list?

An email list collects email addresses and other information, such as name, gender, and location gathered from website users, customers, event participants, and other sources.

What is list building?

The process of gathering email addresses from visitors, clients, and other patrons of a business is known as email list building. This can be accomplished by using a website, social media accounts, events, and in-store signup sheets, among other methods.

How do you create a mailing list?

Website pages, pop-ups, integrated signup forms, and social media profiles can all be used to establish an email list online. Offline registration sheets or events can also be used to develop a mailing list.

Building an email list is an important technique for marketers. According to statistics, 59 percent of consumers say marketing emails have a favorable or unfavorable impact on their shopping decisions. Email marketing increases customer retention, according to 80 percent of company executives.

Because it is part of owned media or media outlets, your company has complete control over it, and an engaged email list is a company’s most valuable asset. Owned media has the advantages of being immune to algorithm changes, allowing you to control your brand storytelling, and having significantly more reach than purchased media while still being far more cost-effective. If you receive a penalty and Google removes you from SERP results in the worst-case marketing situation, or if a social platform algorithm favors organic articles over sponsored content, your email list is unaffected.

The eight best ways to build an email list from scratch

While full email lists cannot be built overnight, there are other equally quick and effective ways to begin creating your email list that is not limited to typical email signup forms. Among the most widely used techniques are:

● Enticing content upgrades

● Exit-intent pop-ups

● Fully or partially gated content

● Squeeze pages

● Loyalty and referral programs

● Discounts and deals

● Exclusive notifications

● Social media

The bulk of firms start establishing their email lists on their websites: From static embedded opt-in forms to dynamic pop-ups and overlays, as well as specific lead capture pages, there’s something for everyone.

You must get an email list for marketing. If you want to accelerate your business get an email list builder now!

