Top 5 Best PHP Frameworks To Consider In 2021

Roy Daniel
Dev Genius
Published in
7 min readAug 12, 2021


PHP is the most extensively used programming language on the internet, powering sites like Facebook and Wikipedia. It is simple to learn and enables the rapid development of web apps.

PHP Frameworks

Table of Content:

1. Overview

1.1 PHP’s Usage and market share

2. Why Use a PHP Framework?

2.1 What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework?

3. Top 5 best PHP Frameworks

4. Final Thoughts

1. Overview of PHP Frameworks

Numerous developers utilize PHP and third-party application frameworks developed on top of it on a daily basis. PHP frameworks enable increased productivity and the development of powerful applications on a solid and well-tested base.

Additionally, frameworks can offset some of the PHP language’s shortcomings, making them a safe bet for even the most demanding applications.

Software development is growing increasingly complex, necessitating the usage of modules, design patterns, and tools in order to produce reliable applications in a fair amount of time. This is an area where frameworks can make a significant difference.

In this article, we’ll examine the top PHP frameworks and their inherent benefits and weaknesses. By the end of this article, you’ll have a firm grasp of which PHP frameworks are most suited to your unique web development requirements.

1.1 PHP’s Usage and market share

PHP Usage and Marketshare

2. Why Use a PHP Framework?

There are numerous advantages to using PHP frameworks rather than writing code from scratch.

1. Accelerated development

Because PHP frameworks include libraries and tools, development time is reduced.

For instance, the CakePHP framework includes the Bake command-line tool, which allows you to easily generate any skeleton code necessary for your application.

Numerous prominent PHP frameworks include the PHPUnit library to facilitate testing.

2. Reduced amount of code to write

By utilizing framework-provided functions, you avoid having to create as much original code.

3. Libraries for Frequently Asked Questions

Numerous activities that developers would encounter while developing web applications are routine. Form validation, data sanitization, and CRUD operations are all examples (Create, Read, Update, and Delete). Rather than writing your own functions for these tasks, you may just use the frameworks.

4. Adhere to sound coding practices

PHP frameworks generally adhere to code standards. For instance, they neatly organise code into a number of categories based on function.

They compel you to organise your code in a more logical, orderly, and maintainable manner.

Additionally, frameworks have their own naming standards for entities that you should adhere to.

5. More Secure Than Self-Writing Apps

Numerous PHP security vulnerabilities exist, including cross-site scripting, SQL injection, and cross-site request forgery. Unless you take the necessary security precautions, your PHP web applications will be susceptible.

While utilising a PHP framework does not eliminate the need to write safe code, it does reduce the likelihood of hacker attacks. Effective frameworks incorporate data sanitization and defences against the aforementioned typical dangers.

6. Improved Teamwork

Multiple developer projects can go awry if there is no clarification on the following:

  • Documentation
  • Decisions regarding design
  • Normative standards

Utilizing a framework establishes clear guidelines for your project. Even if the additional developer is unfamiliar with the framework, they should be able to rapidly pick it up and collaborate.

7. Easier to keep up with

PHP frameworks enable code restructuring and promote DRY (Do Not Repeat Yourself) development. As a result, the resulting codebase is less complex and requires less maintenance.

Additionally, you won’t have to worry about maintaining the fundamental framework, as the engineers will take care of that for you.

2.1 What Should You Look for in a PHP Framework?

To begin, if you’re unfamiliar with a PHP framework, the learning curve should be manageable. You don’t want to spend valuable time mastering a framework that is too difficult to grasp. PHP is fortunate in that it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn.

Following that, you want a framework that is simple to use and efficient.

A PHP framework should meet your project’s technological requirements. Most frameworks require a minimum PHP version and specific PHP extensions to function. Ascertain that your framework supports the database(s) of your choice and that it is compatible with the web server to which you intend to deploy.

Choose a framework that offers an appropriate balance of features. A feature-rich framework can be advantageous for certain types of projects. On the other hand, if you don’t want a lot of features, opt for a stripped-down and simple framework.

Several desirable characteristics include the following:

  • Testing
  • Storage for caches
  • Templating engine: a technique for embedding PHP within HTML via a PHP class.
  • Security

If you need to construct a scalable application, use a framework that supports this.

Finally, it is critical to have adequate documentation and assistance in order to get the most out of your PHP framework. Additionally, a framework with a large and lively community is more likely to withstand the test of time and is also capable of assisting you in the event of a crisis.

3. Top 5 best PHP Frameworks

3.1 Laravel

The most popular PHP framework is Laravel. Taylor Otwell initially released it in 2011, and it has now matured into a framework with hundreds of contributors and millions of installations.

It is built using the MVC pattern and includes its own templating language, Blade, which simplifies the process of creating HTML layouts. When it comes to database access, Laravel makes use of the Eloquent ORM, which is simple to learn and utilize.

Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper that enables you to construct models and relationships in PHP. These models and relationships are subsequently translated and executed as SQL. This makes your code clean and straightforward, while also allowing you to easily migrate to another database system if necessary.

What distinguishes Laravel is the large array of features, packages, and applications that accelerate and simplify development.

For example, queues enable you to do certain intensive processes asynchronously, without putting your application under strain or delaying the loading time for your consumers. Additional functionality, such as caching, broadcasting events for real-time online experiences, and user authentication, are all included.

According to a poll conducted by Jetbrains, 50% of PHP developers utilise Laravel. It may be used to develop any form of project, including SaaS, eCommerce, and custom apps. Small businesses pick it for its ease of use, while large firms rely on it for its robust features.

3.2 Yii

Yii, the framework’s name in Chinese, translates as “simple and evolutionary.” Additionally, it stands for “Yes, It Is!”

  • Launch of Quick Specs: December 2008
  • Version 2.0.35 is the most recent version.

Technical specifications:

  • PHP >= 5.4.0 is recommended; PHP 7+ is also recommended.
  • Installed Composer
  • SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, or Oracle database support

Yii provides live support via Slack or IRC. Additionally, a discussion forum and social media channels are available. The community recognises its most dedicated members with badges and induction into a Hall of Fame.

3.3 Symphony

Symfony is an established framework that has transformed PHP development. Apart from being a framework, it also includes a collection of reusable components that may be used in any PHP project. Numerous open-source technologies, including Laravel, make use of these components. SensioLabs maintains and supports Symfony, which has hundreds of contributors and a thriving developer community.

It is built on the MVC framework and utilises Doctrine ORM to provide the object-relational mapping. When constructing views, it makes use of the Twig template engine to assist in the rendering of HTML.

Symfony deserves to be included among the top PHP frameworks due to its breadth of functionality, vast community, and robustness.

It is well-suited for more complicated online projects that demand predictability, maintenance, and optimization. Symfony supports several enterprise database drivers, which makes it an excellent choice for enterprise projects as well.

3.4 CakePHP

  • CakePHP has an ORM that is quick and simple to use.
  • Encryption, password hashing, form data protection, and CSRF protection are all included as security features.
  • CakePHP’s Components and Helpers simplify development by eliminating pedestrian jobs.
  • On Github, you may find a comprehensive array of CakePHP resources and plugins.
  • CakePHP can be learned via the cookbook (docs), online training, or at CakeFest conferences.

You can connect with friendly CakePHP developers via their forums, Stack Overflow, IRC, and Slack channels. Professional support is also accessible through Cake DC, which is run by CakePHP founder Larry Masters.

3.5 CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a PHP-based MVC framework that enables developers to rapidly create new projects. One of the advantages is that it is not a constraining framework and may be used as a toolkit to accelerate development.

The majority of PHP frameworks need you to adopt the MVC pattern, and while CodeIgniter recommends the use of the MVC pattern, it does not require it. It has cached, multiple database support, routing, and other features seen in current online applications. These features are packed nicely and can be used in a variety of ways.

4. Final Thoughts

If you want to minimize the time required to develop PHP web applications, adopting a framework is a wise choice.

To get the most out of a PHP framework and minimize frustration, you should have a working knowledge of PHP and an understanding of the framework’s core concepts: MVC design, object-oriented syntax, databases and object-relational mappings, and the command line.

Which framework you choose will be determined by the type of application you’re developing. There is a PHP framework to suit every taste, from the ultra-simple to the “everything but the kitchen sink.” Hopefully, this post has aided you in determining the optimal PHP framework for your needs.



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