Which Programming Language For Beginners

Halis Bilal Kara
Dev Genius
Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2019


Every programming language has a lots of benefits for everbody. In this article I will examine most popular languages.

Firstly I wanna show you most popular languages chart

img most popular languages
  1. Python
Python image

Python name comes from Monty Python. This knowledge has nothing to do with our subject but I like Monty Python too. Python is a scripting language and very easy to learn. What is scripting language? Scripting language is do not require the compilation step and are rather interpreted. Python is most used programming language because you can write fewer lines of code but you can express a lots of thing. It is opensource and free and there are a lot of tools and documentation available for learning Python.

If you wanna learn python click here

2. Java

img java eclipse ide

Java is the most popular programming language after python. Why java is in

the most popular languages because java 1.0 was released in 1995 on the principle of ‘Write Once Run Anywhere’. It is a class-based, object-oriented language which is designed to be portable which means that you can find it on all platforms, operating systems and devices. Java has been around for a nearly 24 years and its has a lots of documentations so this makes java very easy to learn yo cant find any error unsolved for a beginner.I’m a software engineering student and in the college we learn java.

You can learn java here

3. C#

img c#

C# is pronounced c sharp. C# is like java. Syntax is a very similar. C# mostly used for game development and general microsoft development. But c# isn’t platform independent like java. C# is a object oriented languages so it has classes and objects.

You can learn c# here


In this article we checked 3 languages and learn simple things about them. If you thing about my opinion I mostly recommend object oriented languages for beginners. Because if you learn object oriented logic once you can’t forget it and object oriented logic is a very efficient way to write code. I started with java but all object oriented language is okay for the beginners.

